『 When Soldier told Engie " I love you "
But he knew in advance. 😳 』

「 Engie.. I need to tell you Something.
「 * blush * I love you too.😳❤

『 And after that Soldier was very shy.』

11 25

OwO FA Helmetparty for
I hope u like it bro . They are adorable🥺🤏💕

6 37

Sometimes, an EVIL villain like myself needs to take a BREAK from WORLD DOMINATION, and just blow a few people up with rockets.

4 22

Huge request for my 100 followers celebration on instagram;D If I reached that on twitter I'll probably stick to doodles next time, cuz this one has taken me 2 weeks (1/5)

4 23

"C'mere cupcake"
*crit noise*
*muffled screams*

151 660

Inside every soldier main there are two eagles

279 1433