For years, Eobard Thawne has tormented Barry Allen, and now the Flash knows the only way to win is to make sure the Reverse-Flash never runs again!


7 21

Totally agree! That cover had me worried, but I forgot the old adage: "Covers always lie."
The way he beat Thawne was VERY appropriate and the ending was SO SATISFYING! Definitely deserves a Booster Gold Thumbs Up!

0 1

The concept of Thawne taking all these super-powered beings, tricking them, training them for decades, and then using them to perfectly counter the flash is one of the coolest ideas for a RF story I’ve ever seen, I loved this.

1 16

thad drawings i did last night 😼😼#thadthawne

13 39

My photoshop edit as EboardThawne/#ReverseFlash !!! I defo can see a good potential here! 😱

0 2

no, zoom is a separate character from eobard thawne in the comics too, they just made him worse

0 0

It's amazing how little we talk about Reverse-Flash as a mirror to toxic fandom.

Thawne is so obsessed w./Flash, that he remakes himself in his idol's image, only to learn his fascination is unhealthy & misguided. He becomes his hero's greatest enemy. This stuff writes itself.

34 110

Crazy how that’s Thawne and not Barry. We seen this trope before but got damn im interested to see the Flash take on this concept

0 5

Neil Jackson tells us that he would love to cross over into the DCEU as Flash villain Eobard Thawne

69 249

I was wondering, is this Thawne saving the twins from the dominators? If so, do they remember Bart and Jenni? Are they angry at Iris too (and Wally?)? (Since they know Thawne is going after the family/Iris as well)

0 0

The only Eobard Thawne casting I accept is Jim Carrey.

7 62

Umm, Eobard Thawne is uncomfortably obsessed with Barry Allen and has jerked off to his Flash poster since he was a teenager, but go off

1 3

Savitar 🤝 Doctor Manhattan

Blue People Eobard Thawne doesn't want to mess with

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