Red Cape Theorem - メリー・バッド・メルヘン (佐伯伊織, 安齋由香里, 山下七海) (バンめし♪ ふるさとグランプリ ROUND3 ~秋の陣~)


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This is Alice from Twin Theorems ( ). ✨⚡️She solves problems which require the use of brain.

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Kirby Hydra in Air Ride vs Kirby Hydra in Goodstein's Theorem

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💿『バンめし♪ ふるさとグランプリ ROUND3 ~秋の陣~』好評配信中!

🎧イノセントバイブル / Vanitas Lacrimosa
🎧Red Cape Theorem/ メリー・バッド・メルヘン
🎧ウソツキ横丁は雨模様 / 夜叉姫神楽
🎧ハラショー!おにぎりサーカス団☆ / Blanc Bunny Bandit

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Red Cape Theorem - メリー・バッド・メルヘン (バンめし♪ ふるさとグランプリ ROUND3~秋の陣~)

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"Red Cape Theorem" by メリー・バッド・メルヘン m & くりむ

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some chars from an ultraverse ive used for genocide theorem and additionals

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Red Cape Theoremの階段がすごいですね!

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Ok, but literally my void dragon
(Art by @/Dream_Theorem)

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メリー・バッド・メルヘン ROUND3楽曲
「Red Cape Theorem」

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New peek-of-the-week. Angry Confrontation. Mocha meets Professor Theorem for the first-time. See more at

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he wants to have a theorem named after him

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How Close Are Computers to Automating Mathematical Reasoning? 🖥 🖥

AI tools are shaping next-generation theorem provers, and with them the relationship between math and machine.

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Assumed you know what a trefoil knot is, you can realize one on a cubic lattice. There's a theorem of Yuanan Diao stating the lowest lattice stick number of the trefoil is 24 [] This is what it looks like projected on to the plane:

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I worked very hard on this big bong theorem meme

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"OK, so, just running through my calculations...gonna add a two...calculate using circle theorem 6....divode by fouur...yep, I did it"

He turns towards the reader

"Giving fairly masculine characters a nice giant butt is almost guaranteed to make em hawt, proof below!"

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de Sitter in non-supersymmetric string theories: no-go theorems and brane-worlds.

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3 OC facts
Tagged by

-His full name is Cassimere Alwyn Tallowick
-His specialty is arcane theorem. hes a genius when it comes to physics and formulae and utilizes that to change spells on the fly (school of lore wizard)
-He has a sentient cloak that he named Atlas

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