Nouveau !compo. Light domine toujours, Azir montre en force, Lux Millionnaire se stabilise et Berserkers descend.

Pour en discuter, c'est dans la partie du Discord :

RT appréciés, comme toujours !

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We took a look at what went on last week (December 30th, 2019 - January 5, 2020) in the world of We've also got a bunch of interesting theorycrafts from our community!

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Les nouvelles compositions du patch 9.24B sont déjà up ! Vous pouvez les consulter ici :

Si vous souhaitez en discuter, vous pouvez le faire directement dans le channel "Theorycraft" du Discord :

Comme toujours, RT appréciés !

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More theorycrafts from Descent of Dragons coming your way! This time talks about the new Dragon package and built eight decks around Dragons theme. Check them out here:

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In our first theorycraft article, takes a look at the new Highlander package, compares it to oldschool package, and builds Highlander decks for every class. Check out the entire article here:

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La liste des meilleures compos du patch après le hotfix de Brand a été mise à jour. Vous la trouvez avec les descriptions ici :

Si vous avez des questions / remarques, c'est dans le channel du Discord :

1 35

Here's Vixel without the background as well! And below the post will be a theorycraft I wrote of his build if he were an actual unit!

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Saviors of Uldum will be released globally in ~5 hours! Like always, we'll try to bring you the new decks you can test as quickly as possible. We've gathered our theorycrafts, and we'll be adding any new decks from pros/streamers her:

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After already covering other 3 Highlander classes, it's finally time for Mage! Do you think that wand-wielding Reno and wish-fulfilling Djinn will be enough to make the deck viable? Check out this Highlander Mage theorycraft by :

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Sir Finley might be the most powerful of class Highlander cards - if you get him early it can snowball the game. But will the deck built around him be good enough? theorycrafted one! You can check it out here:

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While most of players are hyped for Highlander Mage, there's another archetype that might be making a comeback. Secret Mage got some really powerful synergies this set, but is that enough? theorycrafts a possible list here:

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If taming big dinos and wishing for a perfect card are your thing, then you might like our Highlander Hunter theorycrafts! prepared two different builds and talks about them here:

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ok ko theorycrafting with your host gingey

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Folks out there theorycrafting and picking mains for raids and my gay ass who isn’t gonna do shit be like “look at the hint of underboob in the DNC art 😩👌🎉”

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(@)XXIII Updated!
Let the theorycrafting begin 🤔🤔

read here:

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drew a halloween outfit for mc4 because sometimes...we have to do what is needed (+ theorycraft)

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Another day, another page~
Asking all the questions everyone's wondering.
Theorycrafters unite!
Thanks for reading!

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Curious what Priest might be doing in The Boomsday Project? Check out 's theorycraft guide for Clone Priest!

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Check out a potentially powerful upcoming deck with our Demon Zoolock theorycraft deck guide!

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