Robert Wise's "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951). A sci-fi film on an alien who tries to give the Earthians a warning, in the context of the cold war and nuclear threat. Includes the score with theremin, and the elements of documentary and film noir.

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🎵 Was inspired by the Moog Etherwave and the Moog Theremini designs.

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2020年2月9日(日)横浜関内STORMY MONDAY
出演:巻上公一(vocal,theremin,etc.) 藤掛正隆(drums,etc.)
18:00open 19:00start
¥3,000予約 ¥3,500当日(+消費税+2オーダーミニマム) 

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Celeste's music is a hybrid of electronic sounds and piano, with hints of guitar and a theremin-style synth slipped in. Many of the tracks start with a slow simple melody, adding layer after layer reaching a stunning high.

Listen here:

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Theremin Thursdays: playing the borderlands!
Portal breakthrough!

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Kinda forgot to post my illustrations on tumblr. Here is "Electric Music", inspired by the theremin and Carolina Eyck.

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So ... i got the theremin to play as a voice in twitch sings..... i need more practice before i stream it.

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“Sensation of swimming in the sound," a short documentary about thereminst Lydia Kavina [video]:
(h/t )

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042 Theremin
Mysterious and enchanted, touch is not needed in playing this instrument.

STRICTLY NO RE-EDITING for commercial purposes.

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Meet Fayre, my newest dragon! They teach at a bard college and they play the Theremin.

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