My name is Mark Rademaker, I'm a hard surface/NURBS modeler that strives for 0 tolerance. (unless required.) ( Thanks for doing this! 😀

4 21

Maasai au mkale akona lactose intolerance. Is it possible?

0 0

For example, in South Africa🇿🇦, judging by last year’s reaction to the gay film , we still have a long way to go towards full acceptance and tolerance. /3

0 0

Ok, I went 2 far, maybe I'm too paranoid about getting bullied by normies, trying to mix between them. Maybe I'm becoming a bigot, the thing I was trying to prevent. Guess it's already solved in many countries and there's tolerance. "To each is own". In Chile we're half the way🙇

0 2

Two heaping tablespoons of kindness..dash of empathy..two teaspoons tolerance..a dash of understanding..four drops of large cup of acceptance towards others. 💖

4 27

Red is at it again! This victim is Lana... but she'll find that getting her drunk is harder than the rest of their friends since Lana's reality has forced her to develop a great alcohol tolerance...

Maybe the one on the floor this year may be Red...

8 72

gift suggestions:
To your enemy,
To an opponent,
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer,
To all,
To every child, a good example.
To yourself,
~Oren Arnold (1897-1985)

"On Lap"

0 4

Doodle - Drinks

Lei-Lei chugging some Mana Berry Liquor.
Offscreen, Jake suffering from his low alcohol tolerance.

18 112

Stubbing a toe or smashing a finger tend to suffer the same response, regardless of pain tolerance. Small burst of pain, a flinch or yelp more from the shock than the actual hurts, and yet still an over-dramatic burst of expletives.

Fingers: 0
Steel door: 3

0 3

Not really a per se, but baby is in bed and I’m working on my alcohol tolerance. So a glass of wine and Cintiq time it is! 😛 30 minutes.

0 2

The purchase of 'Jacob and his Twelve Sons' in 1760 was a remarkable statement of religious, political and social tolerance. Find out more about the masterworks' relationship to Auckland Castle:

5 10

To your enemy,
To an opponent,
To a your
To a
To all,
To every a good example.
To yourself,

Liesl Yvette

0 2

Listen with ears of tolerance.
See through the eyes of compassion.
Speak with the language of love.


608 853

Wishing everyone the best holiday season and together we can usher in the new year with peace and tolerance.

22 97

Gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To all, charity.

9 19

We must all participate to erase intolerance.

103 198