My Latest - It’s Hereditary (Alternative Title: It Ain’t Workin’)

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My Latest - It Won’t Be What You’re Hoping For, Donald.

5 13

I may have missed something in my youth, but was Quistis always this pretty? (//∇//)
... think it’s the glasses?

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My Latest - Strings Attached (An old friend contacted me this afternoon & asked if I’d done a Roger Stone Commuted Cartoon. Been busy, but yeah I guess I should chime in. Here ya go. Not on the website, but there is another new one posted.)

10 13

It gets cold out here, guardian. Hope you got your winter coat on... Polar Bears get mighty restless out here.
Weapons being used are the Avalanche, Argona PR4, and Cold Front to further push the arctic theme! Intreped shell to sell a winter survival theme~

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el jardín es el jardin, trepen la montaña

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I always liked this intrepetation of Frogger being a realistic frog with a tie and briefcase.
Idk why tho

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My Latest - Department Of Obstruction Of Justice

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