Psstt. Ludia y'all should hire me XD. Some of the Pack skins for the next update. Tyrannotitan by RealAngryGal and Alberto model by MrTroodon

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Hi i'm troodonvet! A veterinary medicine student who likes to draw animals! But also can draw anime and video games too!

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You're absolutely correct! Fun fact - the game was being developed before Troodon was confirmed undiagnostic in 2017, although we mentioned that in the encyclopedia!

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Another Monday, another Today's DotW is... Troodon!

...or is it Stenonychosaurus? 🤔 Since it was only known from a single tooth, Troodon was determined to be a nomen dubium not that long ago.

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This is a restoration from an artist called Xiphactinus and a few years ago, he made a restoration of an Anserimimus fighting back against a Troodontid with a Tarbosaurus watching from the background. Just shows how the most overlooked dinosaurs can be unpredictable.

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Troodons jurassic park the game render comics

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Personally I like Dinosaur revolution Troodon best. It has nice aesthetic and there is nothing fundamentally wrong with it. I would go for more muted color scheme, but otherwise it's great.

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Round 3 of skins! To note, the animal placeholding Troodon is Stenonychosaurus.

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after watching the episodes I realized one thing, that the E750 is completely nocturnal, so I redesigned with a dinosaur from the saga which also has nocturnal "Troodon"

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Como de costumbre, estoy maravillado con el arte de en este caso ha realizado un par de Conceptos de los terrenos de anidación para

PD: Estoy deseando poder jugar como "Troodon" para dedicarme al control de población 😋

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Since it came up, here are my favorite 'troodon' (and kin) depictions.

"Territorial Disputes" by Earldense
"Alaskan Troodontid" by Julio Lacerda
"Pectinodon Bakkeri" by Christopher DiPiazza
"Sketch Troodon Formosus" by Gonzalo Fuenzalida

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Paleo Twitter explaining how Troodon was fake because its one tooth matches all of those of other species
but how Nanotyrannus who's skeletons exactly match those of juvenile T. rexes still has a chance of being legit despite papers explaining it as a teenage rexes.

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K I'm late but I did this guy: Troodon Pectinodon from Jurassic Park: The Game (aka, GERALD) and it ended up looking chibi, lol

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Whilst its true a lot of dinosaurs had small brains, some - such as the troodon and various other raptors had large brain compared to their body, giving more evidence to the theory some dinosaurs hunted and lived in packs like feathery wolves

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I slept for like a SUPER long time omg good morning!! For today's dino fact we have the Troodon!

° This dino might've been one of the smartest of all dinosaurs believed to have the largest brain in proportion to its body weight!


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I luv jurassic park troodons

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Some five-year-old for troodontids meet Tusoteuthis. Fossil coleoids are famously difficult to reconstruct (all soft-tissue, virtually no skeleton), so it's sometimes best to bundle them up on a beach where no-one can tell what they're meant to look like.

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