One of if not the best thing I bought at OtakuFest. I’ll post everything I bought in a thread

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i forgot to make a roundup after holmat SO HERE IT IS NOW--

I'll be at Otakufest this weekend with some ffxiv, acnh, and cookie run charms! Please come see and my friend's booth at E10 in the artist alley ❤️

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Otakufest Miami >>>>>>>>>Basel

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happy thanksgivings peeps!! im grateful these bitches exist bc they will not get tf out my head theyre so precious.. charm design ill have ready for sale @ otakufest as ill have an AA table there!! (*≧∀≦*)

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I’m gonna cosplay rimuru tempest at OtakuFest

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Today is day 1 of the Hindu festival (meaning 9 nights). It is also known as 🕉 This 9 day festival is dedicated to the Goddess Durga.

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白兔搗藥秋復春,嫦娥孤棲與誰鄰 - 李白
世人解讀賦予玉兔 蟾蜍起死回生的能力 常作為墓室裝飾,也被歷代帝王做成服飾。冕服里也有玉兔搗藥圖,寓意長壽。

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The Truth Untold • BrightWin Filo AU
🖋️ written by : saraleobvc

They said, “It’s better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie” but for Bright’s perspective, “If I'm going to be harmed, I don't want to know the truth”.

my entry for :

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Repost from

Creature Entertainment (inmentllc), independent comic book publishers from Miami, with titles including The Zombie Years, Ravenous, The Gun, and Tommy, are coming to January 15-16, 2022 at the MAC…

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En 2021, il est encore temps pour le de penser et de concevoir un futur désirable ! 💪
Des temps de partage de connaissances et de création, des débats critiques et des rencontres afin de réenchanter notre avenir en vous faisant participer !

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A lone wolf and his love, two people brought together by prose and two divided by history. Three stories from three different worlds, brought together for one fest~

Le Sausages Inc. presents the abstract and intangible world of YinWar!

See the thread for details

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𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐈𝐈


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Aaaaaah OtakuFest is done! ;w;

Thank you so much for dropping by our booth and for supporting us for the past week 🥺💕

I hope you all enjoyed the live art streams and chaotic art chat channel! 😂 Let’s all meet again next time!!

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