Hi dear 💜

“Modern princesses”
ETH 0.05
3/5 sold
“Enjoy your time”💕
“In vino veritas”💕

0 0

You can get this incredible print from and when you back the for Issues 1-4 of Veritas!

0 3

Shield Maiden's magical hammer and shield are powerful weapons in her fight against crime.

See her journey in Issues 1-4 of Veritas when you back our and get printed copies, stickers, and more!

3 6

Veritas's super strength and durability make him an ideal candidate for the Citizen Defenders Initiative.

See his journey in Issues 1-4 when you back the ! Get printed comics, stickers, and more!

5 6

昨日の練習に、Voces Veritas ( Veritas)、シマエナガ( )の方が情宣に来てくださいました💫

9 26

cain and veritas are my all time favs https://t.co/be7Ex3kvfd

2 8

Veritas needs to work on his deception skills.

Will Shield Maiden find what she's looking for? Find out in Issue 4 when you back our and get all 4 printed issues plus art, stickers, and more!

1 4

That didn't go as planned!

See how Veritas gets out of this when you pledge to our campaign on and get all 4 printed Issues!

1 1

Sometimes you gotta come up with new strategies.

Watch Veritas and Shield Maiden take care of business in Issue 3 when you pledge to our campaign on and grab all 4 printed issues!

0 1

“Modern princesses”
ETH 0.05
3/5 sold
“Enjoy your time”💕
“In vino veritas”💕

0 1

A shock like that would rattle anyone, even someone with invulnerability like Veritas.

See what happens next in Issue 2 when you back our campaign on when you grab all 4 Issues!

2 3

Shield Maiden's still got it!

See how she handles training Veritas when you back our campaign on ! Grab Issues 1-4 to see the story and get stickers, art, and more when you pledge!

1 1

Uh oh... that can't be good.

See what happens next when you back our campaign on and get all four Issues of Veritas!

1 0

You can get Issues 1-4 of Veritas when you pledge to the campaign on ! Head over there and get yours with stickers, pinup art, and more!

1 0

You KNOW I’m open to any of my children!!!!!

Cyrus, Darcy, Veritas, and Indigo shown here! 💖

1 5

Want to grab these INCREDIBLE prints? You can when you back the for Issues 1-4 of Veritas!

Art by for the Veritas and Shield Maiden ones!

Art by and colors by for the duo print!

3 6

Veritas has Shield Maiden's back, no matter what.

See how this goes for them when you back the campaign on and get Issues 1-4 of the comic!

0 1

Veritas may be strong, but he's still learning.

See his journey unfold in Issues 1-4 of Veritas, now on !

2 5

Shield Maiden takes care of business.

See her kicking all kinds of butt in Issues 1-4 of Veritas, now on !

3 4

“Modern princesses”
ETH 0.05
3/5 sold
“Enjoy your time”💕
“In vino veritas”💕

0 2