Looking for ways to talk to your kids about coronavirus? Check out this children’s book authored by with the help of doctors at and illustrated by Studio. Read the story in English or Spanish here:https://t.co/Lwc8mfQbal

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Kids still bored? Or maybe you're bored of reading horrible stuff about the Corubbish virus?

I can help! Carrot & Toast Are Coming Home minicomic is now free to download!

Grab a copy here and spread the love >>> https://t.co/gxl4ol646x

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Who you call a virus?!! corona is spanish for Crown...and he has one...got the joke? of this character if the casting was done for the saga...another joke. Commissions are open

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Who you call a virus?!! corona is spanish for Crown...and he has one...got the joke?

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can any doctors on here let me know if this mask will protect against the virus?

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Rhys in an epic battle with... the Coronavirus? You can do your part to battle this pandemic too by downloading “STAR FETCHED” on Apple Arcade!


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Ahora Covid-chan y Dengue-chan....

se vienen mas waifus virus? es posible
estoy un poco jodido? muy probable
quieres hablar de la palabra de dios? no gracias

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Best way to avoid people giving you a virus? Go where there are no people

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26 estados opositores que desean dejar en mal a AMLO, estamos de acuerdo?

Como veeeergas piensan que amlo oculta las cifras del coronavirus?

Los gobernadores está pintados o que chingados?

Usen el puto sentido común! Por dios!

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Doctor: I'm afraid you've caught the-
Me: I caught the Corona Virus?!?! 😱
Doctor: No, you've caught the Korone Virus...

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¿cuanto papel de baño se nesesita para acabar con el coronavirus?

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At some point deluded Tories/ Brexiteers are gonna realise Boris Johnson's promises are worthless, right?
That he lies constantly.
Or has everyone caught

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What Can the Plague of Athens Teach Us About Today’s Coronavirus? https://t.co/QJ1fMwqF46

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Got the coronavirus? Say No More

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--- mini THREAD

Semua org pasti tau klo mencuci tangan dg sabun adalah cara terefektif utk membunuh coronavirus. Tapi, kebanyakan mereka gatau alasannya. Akhirnya, muncul bnyk sekali pertanyaan. Sebenernya, gmn sih cara sabun bunuh coronavirus?

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Worried About Coronavirus? Here’s How Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Strength Can Help https://t.co/LampEfiIxF

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Los virus no pueden multiplicarse o replicarse si no se encuentran en la célula de otro organismo. El virus incorpora su material genético (ADN o ARN) a la célula infectada y secuestra la maquinaria celular
para replicarse. (Hilo 1/3)

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Coronavirus?... we don’t know her 👅

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