In which I accidently create a warrior cat e-boy

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Icestar, the leader b4 Tepidstar and resident dilf.

Siri how can I marry a character design-

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Tepidstar of Blizzardclan redesign, hated the old one I'm just happy I won't have to draw her again for a while bWAh

She's made for my friends wc discord server 🙌

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Made a Hypokit the other night! Used a reference for her ear pose from Gensugar!

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I'm prood as fuck of that ref sheet

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Warrior Cats OCs

Nightpaw - Rootpaw - Redclaw

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I'm dead now, just have this

his name is Fallencedar and he is a bitch, that's it

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My tablet works again so take this color/lighting practice of puffertwine and his ex gf that he likes again

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'Once she died, she was not spared the sorrow of her lost kits and painful death. She roams the forest territory looking for her dead kits which she will never find. She wont be able to die, either by another cat or herself, she is a ghost, trapped on earth.'

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i got a new brush on SAI 2 so i did some experimenting :3c rlly proud of this i think it’s pog

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Redesigned one of my first original wc designs 👁👄👁 sorry for my lack of posting YEETS

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