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#wednesdayspoilers I'll take my crumbs of iconic lgbtq couples that currently aren't together 💔
#wednesdayspoilers If you aren't reading Hawkeye Freefall you definitely should 🏹
It's got Clint quoting Metallica and doing a mic drop.
Important questions are being made like "how much does an arrow cost?"
And Clint thinking he pass as Cyclops.
44. #wednesdayspoilers how am i supposed to deal with this boyfriend t-shirt bullshit
Is there a deductible? #Batman #TheBatmanWhoLaughs #WednesdaySpoilers
The Batman Who Laughs #1, by @Ssnyder1835 and @Jock4twenty
This team is gold. #TheTerrifics #MisterTerrific #Metamorpho #PhantomGirl #WednesdaySpoilers
The Terrifics Annual #1, by @geneluenyang and Joe Bennett
me_irl #DetectiveChimp #JusticeLeagueDark #WednesdaySpoilers
Wonder Woman/Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour #1, by @JamesTheFourth and @JssMerino
James, please. This is NOT okay. 😰#DetectiveChimp #JusticeLeagueDark #WednesdaySpoilers
Justice League Dark #1, by @JamesTheFourth and @AMartinezBueno
When everyone's gone to the after party and the bar is empty. #Superman #AdamStrange #WednesdaySpoilers
Superman #3, by @BRIANMBENDIS and Ivan Reis
Tweety has no chill. No chill at all. #Catwoman #WednesdaySpoilers
Catwoman/Tweety and Silvester Special #1 by @GailSimone and @InakiMiranda
All that we ask for is that Detective Chimp NOT get eaten by the Otherkind. #wednesdayspoilers
Justice League Dark #2 by @JamesTheFourth and @AMartinezBueno
When you're sick and tired of collecting all of those damn Riddler trophies in Arkham Knight
(from Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Batgirl vs. The Riddler #1, by @HackinTimSeeley and @MinkyuJungArt) #wednesdayspoilers
HE'S BACK, OUR SUN IS BACK #SUPERMAN #New52 #DC #Rebirth #comic #wednesdayspoilers #ClarkKent