Next are the regional fish Pokemon, Cubguppy and Tigermaw, the Tiger Tooth Pokemon and the Black Stripe Pokemon respectively. Both are brutish bully Pokemon that terrorize their neighbor Pokemon but only truly fear Wishiwashi.

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746 - Wishiwashi-solo
Type: Water

Abilities: Schooling

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buzzybody > wishiwashi

(upcoming mon for by )

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wishiwashi & decidueye 🐟🍃

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not over how beta eternatus looked more like an undead wishiwashi than a dragon. eternafish and its wishiwashing stars

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wishiwashi apron for the uninitiated

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that wishiwashi bag reminding me of my wishiwashi variant lol

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No. 746: Wishiwashi
Small Fry Pokémon

When it's in trouble, its eyes moisten and begin to shine. The shining light attracts its comrades, and they stand together against their enemies.

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Mudkip x wishiwashi fusion adopt

$5 usd by PayPal only, buyer will get a nonwatermarked image. Full image will be in the comments

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Drew that Meowth with the Wishiwashi purse from lrt. ☺️

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746 - Wishiwashi - Solo Form
Type: Water


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Bem eu finalmente tomei coragem de postar os desenhos que eu tenho pronto de Dezembro. Aconteceram algumas coisas e eu fiquei dias sem o PC e celular isso desandou meu ritmo e eu acabei desistindo :(

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Probably Miltank/Bouffalant, Farfetchd and apparently Basculin/Wishiwashis dex entries mention how tasty they are too.

Also for people saying they'd eat a Vanillite/Vanilluxe yall are eating an icicle with snow on top of it, not ice cream

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Wishiwashi makes a lot of sense as an additional fishing encounter for lower-value rods like the Old Rod and Good Rod. Making the school form available while surfing on Route 223 would be a fun little surprise too

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746 - Wishiwashi - Solo Form
Type: Water


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Wishiwashi from Monday's Pokémon fan art stream! He smol and insignificant.

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746 - Wishiwashi - Solo Form
Type: Water


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