Zu's been having fun playing around with a yinglet form of his displacer kitten self, so I did him a thingie. Plus fluffy winter coat!
ALL ZHAT AND MORE AT [Hyperlink Blocked]
DON'T WAIT! LONELY YINGLETS IN {user,location} ARE SEEKING LOVE AT [Hyperlink Blocked]
My yinglet-drawing train still has a few choo-choos left to toot, apparently. I bet no one is surprised to see those choo-choos being more Lopin, however.
What happened in this place?
Drawing for @nexii10! Character belongs to Nexii too
Yinglets are the intellectual property of @/Valsalia
Russian-speaking OOPS community --- https://t.co/0HUb6TCDBM
Spent the evening working on commissions, but as a little treat to myself, I drew my #Yinglet ^_^
Art by me
Scavnel belongs to me
don't understand how people are horny for yinglets, the closest thought I can manage is that they could fit both arms through a gloryhole
Yinglet smoking a fat dart. This is my first time drawing the full body of a yinglet, i think it went quite well. I imagine he saw some humans smoking and asked if he could join in, and they gave him a blunt for shits and giggles.
Turned Shrap into a Yinglet for my latest video! 🤣🤣🤣
Base by Felis Randomis
Eh, fuck it. Here's the full. Finally a design and colour scheme I'm happy with (and it turns out to be just brown lmao).
Markings might be added later
Yinglets made by valsalia
Base by Soniethedog on FA
Edits by me
Hey! Look at zis commission for @Cyphiegorawr!
Yinglets belongs to @/ValSalia
i exit my art hiatus, i create a new sona and then i disappear.
scav brain has hit me and thus I bring anozher yinglet into existence :}
I still can't get off all zhe yinglets that have consumed my twitter feed XD. maybe I should draw abunch of yall or zomething🤔. throw down a reff sheet and i'll pick out a few or something. (zhis will take time as i am a very busy yinglet)
*Drops a Yinglet, runs away*
She has a name now, Eska. Apparently it means "small/diminutive"
(Headshot made using Karintina's picrew, Ref made using FelisRandomis' base, edits are all mine!)