This is Crowistocrat, a Zokai popular with judges, lawyers, and politicians. It has an incredibly sharp eye and memory.

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This is Crowpom. This crow Zokai likes to socialize, but it engages in bad behaviour like bullying and playing tricks.

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Cubble grows up into Commursa. This Zokai will defend its offspring ferociously!

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This is Cubble, a baby bear Zokai. Its body is always wrapped up in a sheet of fur. This keeps it warm and protected, but its mobility is very low. It relies on a parent to look after it, but it can lash out with claws if it needs to.

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Wyferno is the adult form of Fryvern. It's a powerful dragon Zokai with a formidable fiery breath!

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Fryvern, the fire wyvern Zokai. What you see is what you get, it's a fire breathing dragon!

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Centacle metamorphs into Squimmense, the giant squid Zokai! There are tales of it destroying ships at sea...

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Arisand transforms into Aritomb, the desert tomb Zokai! The sand is compacted into solid sandstone. Aritomb loses the ability to fly, but gains strength and durability!

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This is Arisand, the sand spirit Zokai! They haunt sandy deserts.

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This is Toadstoad, a poisonous Zokai found in swamps!

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Wringroach is a vermin Zokai typically found in cities. They are excellent at hiding!

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This is Yukimono, the snow spirit Zokai. If a person dies of cold exposure, their spirit may become a Yukimono. They appear during snowstorms and blizzards.

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Cosmiraffe and Giraster are giraffe Zokai with powers related to outer space, such as the ability to fire off beams of cosmic energy.

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This is Truffy, an alley cat Zokai. It likes eating garbage. It's fur is full of dust, which gets kicked up when it gets hit, obscuring vision.

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Otuber and Otsaver, the otter Zokai. They're excellent swimmers, and rescue people or Zokai from drowning. They expect to be repaid in food and scritches!

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This is Marignash, a plant Zokai which comes in two varieties: Wild and Garden. Wild Marignash live in jungles and have powerful jaws, while Garden Marignash live in parks and gardens and have a tough ceramic shell.

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Maribulb is a plant Zokai which comes in two varieties: wild and garden. Wild Maribulb have a savage bite, while the domesticated garden variety have a ceramic shell which protects their body.

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Gleagle is an ice elemental bird Zokai. It can shoot out frozen feathers, which pierce like daggers.

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This is Annelisk, an earthworm Zokai. At their smallest size, they can fit in the palm of your hand, but they can grow to the size of a freight train! They're blind, but can detect movement through vibrations in the ground.

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Boarbash is a Zokai with great bulk and physical strength. Its angry nature makes it susceptible to confusion.

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