"... Now, the undefeated king sings aloud the name of the miracle she holds in her hands.
Its name is... "

1 5


finally this took me forever to figure out the comp but yeah, i decided to go for cooler colours again.

this will be the cover art for my upcoming shirin summer zine, pls look forward to it!!

15 24

[ a cozy blanket and warm chocolate on a rainy day ]

it's been raining this afternoon and i swear this is the last doodle of the day.

6 15

"I want to protect everything
Everything that I am surrounding.
Even if I get broken or wounded, I wouldn't mind.
Even if the path before me is destined to disappear,
I will keep on running.
I'm a shooting star,"

8 19

[ HOMIES WE ARE... <insert their squad name> ]

feels good to draw the ot3 again, in a rap battle au.

please give hypmic a listen, it's quite good XD


20 25

[ I don't want you to catch a cold ]

perfect timing since typhoon/hurricane season is coming. stay safe, folks!

ps: this is one of the exclusive pieces for my upcoming shirin summer zine, please look forward to it!!

10 19

[ you're crying, right, shirou? ]
[ ... ]

i always thought he would be the type to cry silently.

4 16

the clothes swap nobody asked for.

epilogue!shirou emiya in riou from hypmic's outfit.

the two of them look almost the same that i had to draw this.

6 10

Some cel shading test of of of course it's a that's just what I do

31 100

[ don't worry, it'll be alright ]

i really couldn't bring myself to draw angsty shirin so i ended up drawing more fluff.

6 12

[ ハグの日 ]

apparently it's the national hug day in japan bcos 8/9 (tho i usually wrote dates in dd/mm/yyyy format)

12 30

[ tohsaka, you're so cute ]

somehow i remembered that line he spoke to her during their eclipse scene in fha but honestly i find it really cute haha

4 12