The Watts's Shark of Sydney Cove. The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay 1789. Via

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"Fangs equal in size to the talons of a hawk..." Happy from 1789. Via &

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William Turner ( 1789 – 1862) UK _ HANNIBAL AND HIS ARMY CROSSING THE ALPS

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William John Swainson, ornithologist, malacologist, conchologist, entomologist, in London.

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in 1789 during the French Revolution, the women of Paris marched to Versailles to confront King Louis XVI of France

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September 15

I learned that James Fenimore Cooper, the famous author, was born on this day in 1789.

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Claude-Joseph Vernet (14 August 1714 – 3 December 1789) The Night

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AiC Art for the Day - Born August 14: Claude-Joseph Vernet, French, (1714-1789)

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On July 14, 1789, Oscar Françoise de Jarjayes passed away. Rest in peace, Lady Oscar.............

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14 July 1789, storming of the Bastille, starting point of the French

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♪( ´▽`)7月14日はゼリーの日。1789年のフランス革命の始まりとなったこの日は「パリ祭」というフランスの祝日。ゼリーの材料ゼラチンがフランス料理によく使われることから制定されました〜


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Based on Madame Le Brun's masterpiece of a portrait with her daughter (1789): Neo-queen Serenity and Chibiusa :)

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The Spotted Opossum from "The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay" 1789.

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"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"- Plato. John Martin ((1789-1854)

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recently got back into lioden so i drew one of my lions in like 10 minutes and put -1789 effort into it

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Chrysanthemums and butterflies
1789, 22 x 38 cm
Kitao Masayoshi 北尾 政美 1764-1824

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