Hello Ethan, hope you're doing good~
I am Tuz and I create memorable foes for your 5e game (and more)!

You will get
🎨Illustrated Monsters + VTT Tokens & HD Handouts
📖Inspiring lore to stir your imagination
⚔️Exciting mechanics to challenge your players

[Link in Bio]

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Kalau BGnya flat berarti yang bakal nonjol di sini characternya, jadi usahain pakai komposisi yang membuat characternya standout nder.. bisa ditaroh ditengah atau dihimpit /kecrop kanvas

Untuk warnanya bisa pake color code chara atau main color theory nder

Credit gambar tertera

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© Riset kasus dan handout QARMAs (Questions and Resolution Must Answer).
© Nggak terlalu sering ngomong, tapi kalau ngomong, opinionnya yang paling penting.
© Langsung buat Working Paper kalau udah buat block.

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valeu a todo mundo que mandou personagem pra eu desenhar hoje, mas eu cansei. Agora se me derem licença irei morrer :)

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Bad Cawol? 🥺
A rainha skrull Veranke estava se passando pela Capitã Marvel, e Jessica Drew não sabia dizer qual era a Carol verdadeira. Mas o bebê Gerry Drew soube reconhecer e mandou um "zap-zap" na tia Carol do mal.

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Beware the dark elves!🕸️🗡️Here are some of the new tokens I’ve worked on for our new adventures ‘Secrets of the Drow Trilogy’! There'll also be digital maps and handouts for
Find all Midnight Tower’s tokens at https://t.co/S4afODUqW9
Happy gaming!😺

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eventually... andou charms >:3

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nem fudendo que você mandou essa....

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- イドラの約束 -

スーツ×日本刀×特殊警察 の5PL



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É esse aq o namoradinho do PC q ele mandou

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Like taking a moment to study modern card art outside the context of a card frame, this stuff is mostly beyond brilliant. Seb Mckinnon art is an obvious standout. But something about either the theme or just general art direction for Champions of Kamigawa specifically engaged me

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Nem sempre, nesses casos que você mandou é um pouco, mas no que fiz e no trabalho de muitos artistas, isso é mais uma decisão estética que não tem muito a ver com uma regra específica (principalmente os Chineses por algum motivo)

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Non è importante sapere cosa si sta cercando,ma sapere che si sta cercando qualcosa e che si è convinti di trovarla.È la convinzione la chiave di tutto,è la disponibilità a ricevere che trova le risposte.JPVega📷gori P.BATONI Agar e l’Angelo

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Who else liked the update to the Soldier 3rd Class design? i think adding that jacket makes it look slick and make Cloud's Uniform standout a bit more as "different" or "Incomplete".

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Man, I LOVED the smaller vehicles...I can't choose!
The Sky Hawk, Polar Battle Bear, Armadillo, and the FANG are four standouts, though https://t.co/6ifwK7nHKg

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😅 Já tenho partilhado c pasmo trabalhos da minha filha Rosa, principalm/ de desenho. A prof de Matemática propôs um exercício de isometrias e mostrou exemplos, do o básico às transformações do Escher. A miúda andou ali uns dias a resmungar e ontem de repente fez isto.
Nuns sms

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