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OFFLINE! Corona Mountain sucks but I beat the Bowz and saved summer! I also did a ton of arting in Passpartout, featuring ! Fun game!

0 2

I bought coronation Starscream to stick the cape on Prime https://t.co/Gwo2fmFAL5

1 16

Coronation of the prince ✨🌷👑🌷✨

1391 7353

Waarom niet alle kwetsbaren een extra vaccin krijgen, en waar de medicatie blijft.
Kuipers zegt: kwetsbaren waren ook vóór corona al kwetsbaar en ook met vaccins en medicatie kunnen ze geen normaal leven leiden, je neemt dat met het vaccin of een medicijn niet weg.🤯

294 673

Manifesting at least the return of the ultimate trio of: May, Dawn and Misty during the middle of the World CoroNation Series's Master Class Tournament especially for helping Ash train well

3 20

during coronavirus, you can't go outside unless you have a dog to walk
i don't have a dog i had to go out

31 138

Como no alcancé boletos para ir al Corona Capital, voy a empezar un shojo de romance juvenil para sentir de nuevo que estoy en la secundaria. Voy a ver qué tal está Honey Lemon Soda de Mayu Murata.

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女の子 No.16[イラストトレーニング]2022
Girl No.16 [Illustration Training] 2022

1 9

As you remember we contacted Hoyoverse but that was during the Coronavirus outbreak which even caused the update to be postponed.

Now things have become better but we haven't got any reply.

So it's time to contact them again!
We'll do it within a week and we'll keep you updated

61 579

Después de pagar el corona yo creo que si

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[] 🏡❣
Muchas gracias por el directo de hoy, nos la pasamos muy bien , descansa rey, siempre con la cabeza en alto que se te cae la corona 👑❤
Te queremos mucho 🤍

5 36

“King Dimitri’s Coronation”
from my Dimilic fic:
“Parchment Rings” (🔗 in thread)

8 24

Glancing blow forecasted by the NASA ENLIL model after a gorgeous CME earlier today from the M3.6 long-duration flare. KP 6 watch for June 15. In coronagraph images the CME looks awesome!

15 42

Hab versucht mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit zu fahren.
Mehr als 30 min gebraucht für 1,5km (5,5km hatte ich noch vor mir und 30 min noch bis zum Arbeitsbeginn)
1h gebraucht um Nachhause zu kommen danke.
Ich glaube Corona Nachwirkung will nicht das ich Arbeite.

0 23

As a student he banded together with Albani & Domenichino in Bologna & they joined with the Carracci to descend on Rome (by 1601) where he worked on decorating the Farnese Palace. Here’s an early drawing of his, Cleopatra & Coronation of the Virgin (both c1595)

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So far, I have only unlocked the Journeys’s HD World CoroNation Series’s Master Class Tournament Wallpapers of Ash, Iris and Alain

3 down, 5 more to go

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Yes, I'm still alive! :D
Spend last weekend on a festival and got Corona.. fortunatly a very light version. Good thing is, I'm not allowed to go out and after 3 days of reading comics and playing Hades I actually restart drawing! 💜
Have a little WIP.

130 940

Stephanoaetusraptor coronatus

60 380