Apparently I'm just in this "draw-characters-in-nice-outfits" mood?
Have some older bros!

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Trying to learn/study/practice new techniques on familiar characters- Sam from Jellybots :D

15 200

千歳 happybirthday~!
K -ALL CHARACTERS- を読んでから更に千歳が好きになりました!

19 23

Tiny Chibi Commissions for VanilleCream !
Characters- VanilleCream

6 23

物販情報の「K -ALL CHARACTERS-」「ザ・アイドルK 」の絵柄も公開です*\(^o^)/*

1196 1384

So many good characters-

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Misha & Shia from Pita-Ten

©Characters-PitaTen - Koge Donbo

4 21

Doing a characters-based Star Wars gallery in my spare time. Thought to start with the most anticipated one...

21 48

um one of my favorite characters--can't wait to see more of Cremisius Aclassi <3

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How To Create Tons of Characters--With The Same Face.

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Love character design class!My two very different characters-which one should I do?

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quick bank hol concept sketchy of my characters- attempting photoshop! (୨୧•͈ᴗ•͈)

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Check out the coolest fan art that has some of your characters- thanks to for the creation! 😍

2 4

See illustrator Quentin Blake's work-including Roald Dahl characters-at a new exhibition

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[转]角色Characters:角色Characters-分享Ruslan Karazbaev的一组卡通形象,充满了天然呆的属性,个个都是神经质。早上好,同学们! (8张图片)

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