"Do I see the very specific NPC we've been looking for?"
What's something crazy that happened when you used divination magic?

1 5

Meet the party's fearless leader...
Whose the 'leader' or spokesperson in your D&D party?

I feel like the bard is the usual choice but my bard is always hanging back and watching everyone else.

(Don't ask about the hat, because I will have no answers for you).

0 3

The wizard's finishing move...
What the craziest strategy you've used in a D&D battle encounter?

I think this might be one of my favorite comics I've made, with the reappearance of Alazar the cruel! Legends of his deeds are spoken all across the realms 😆

0 2

Is rogues stealing from party members a problem that you've run into?

How do/would handle it?

7 38

My new DnD ranger, Zaquariah Hollander! I'm very hyped to play her, she's been a crazy blast so far 💖

2 14

A D&D party goes shopping. It does not end well for the Shopkeeper

2 11

When you cast Speak With Animals. Has this happened to you?

0 3

"If you didn't want to get bullied you should have picked a real race"

5 22

Explaining stupid homebrew magic items (part 1).
What are some magical items you have created?

0 5

Raising a red dragon. If it's not like this, your DM is doing it wrong.

170 861

Different types of DMs
Tag yourself today as 1,2,3 or 4. I'm feeling 3 today.

3 7

DND Official: “Dragonborns don’t have tails”
DND Community:

4 15

I ran a game with a party of four and they were all Warlocks. It was a wild ride.

2 6

Ah, the long-suffering DM. What would you do?

2 14

Greenguards seem like nice fellows

34 229

After Defeating The Dragon, Qwest Sprout Is Freed From It's Comic To Qwest Anywhere With You

16 99

It was about time someone posted this here (also this would be a great homebrew race, ngl)

155 689