Running shiba inu doggeh. He be running off to somewhere~ and I keep omitting shirts -w- 어디론가 달려가는 시바견 수인.

29 145

It's all done! Pokedogges gonna save the world! Will upload it to other platforms later, so stay tuned for higher res

26 73

Shirley Hughes has won the Lifetime Achievement Award & I'm as thrilled as Dave when he got Dogger back!

51 58

本日発売!天禅桃子先生『ドッガール doggerel』(リブレ出版)バイトばかりで休みがちなクラスメイト・比嘉の勉強を見ることになった優等生の野波。なぜか言葉一つにも強烈に惹かれあい…。

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For most of the last 1 million years, Britain was a European peninsula

199 102

Beach doggeh husbando who runs a beach bar. He loves sitting by the beach and drinking beer. 해변에서 맥주바 운영하는 멍멍이 남편.

20 129

Skater doggeh who likes to carry around boombox. He likes to compete in skating competitions. 붐박스를 들고다니는 스케이터 멍멍이.

34 181

Doggeh who works at a flower shop. He is handing out flower not proposing or anything. 꽃집에서 알바하는 멍멍이 그냥 꽃을건내주는중임..

17 83

11/27 NR1614『도거럴doggerel』(Momoko Tenzen작) 밝고 서글서글한 히가와 쿨한 우등생 노나미. 성격은 정반대지만 강렬하게 끌리며 미숙하고 서툰 격정에 몸을 겹치게 되는데!

1 3

Si Dogge llega a 35 RT hago directo

44 8