//=time() ?>
“È l’ora di essere ubriachi,
siate ubriachi, se non volete essere schiavi martiri del Tempo, siate sempre ubriachi!
Con il vino, con la poesia o con la virtù, come volete”
Neiru & Kotobuki
壽屋(KOTOBUKIYA) の ARTFX スター・ウォーズ/帝国の逆襲 アーティストシリーズ ダース・ベイダー - インダストリアル・エンパイア - 1/7スケール PVC製 塗装済み完成品フィギュア を Amazon でチェック! https://t.co/1WYA2upPri @amazonより
Wir haben #Brony News hier! Princess Luna und Princess Celestia gesellen sich zur Bishoujo Reihe von Kotobukiya dazu! Wir können es kaum erwarten sie im Shop anzubieten! #bishoujo #Kotobukiya 😍
The story: some persone ordered a Kotobukiya Rarity figurine. Almost a year later it was shipped to him, packed in a box full of crumpled japanese shop catalogues (photos attached). Somehow this has driven me to draw this pic. #MLP
1位(RT1365/Fav5626):https://t.co/0jNaYcZ59l (ebihurya332)
2位(RT258/Fav786):https://t.co/mJB5ZkjyfY (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT250/Fav782):https://t.co/Ln9EZ5OCYq (wsss_rauha)
4位(RT240/Fav732):https://t.co/EGc1oMiIi8 (kotobuki_314)
1位(RT1260/Fav5202):https://t.co/0jNaYcZ59l (ebihurya332)
2位(RT251/Fav762):https://t.co/mJB5ZkjyfY (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT237/Fav730):https://t.co/Ln9EZ5OCYq (wsss_rauha)
4位(RT219/Fav664):https://t.co/EGc1oMiIi8 (kotobuki_314)
1位(RT956/Fav3839):https://t.co/0jNaYcZ59l (ebihurya332)
2位(RT236/Fav714):https://t.co/mJB5ZkjyfY (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT200/Fav630):https://t.co/Ln9EZ5OCYq (wsss_rauha)
4位(RT191/Fav547):https://t.co/EGc1oMiIi8 (kotobuki_314)
1位(RT201/Fav625):https://t.co/mJB5ZkjyfY (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT139/Fav424):https://t.co/Ln9EZ5OCYq (wsss_rauha)
3位(RT98/Fav302):https://t.co/EGc1oMiIi8 (kotobuki_314)
4位(RT83/Fav239):https://t.co/yNIYlNS2E9 (comicand_com)
@kianamaiart And yet the official Kotobukiya collection that is made in collaboration with Hasbro gave Luna darker skin despite her being a "night owl who stays inside"🤔
1位(RT172/Fav553):https://t.co/mJB5ZkjyfY (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT91/Fav308):https://t.co/Ln9EZ5OCYq (wsss_rauha)
3位(RT65/Fav192):https://t.co/EGc1oMiIi8 (kotobuki_314)
4位(RT56/Fav188):https://t.co/yNIYlNS2E9 (comicand_com)
1位(RT160/Fav508):https://t.co/mJB5ZkjyfY (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT59/Fav178):https://t.co/Ln9EZ5OCYq (wsss_rauha)
3位(RT53/Fav155):https://t.co/yNIYlNS2E9 (comicand_com)
4位(RT40/Fav104):https://t.co/EGc1oMiIi8 (kotobuki_314)
TW disforia e vazio
Kotobuki constantemente crises de disforia onde ela simplesmente não conseguia se reconhecer no espelho, por isso ela procurava as aventuras pra sentir alguma coisa, porem como ela não podia sair muito da empresa ela deitava no chão da biblioteca e lia algo !!