First time posting on twitter I hope Im doing this right 😅

34 94

제목 아직 안정함 1편
2편은 타래로 다음에
아직 다못그림 ㅇvㅇ...시무룩

29 50

2018년에도 파라메르~~!

507 914

😎what's Angela's lips taste like?

55 177

me at the beginning of a match if a Mercy is on my team:

57 148

싸우자!!! ❄️❄️❄️❄️#pharmercy

49 113


12 33

merry xmas and happy holidays!!

16 45

Merry Christmas!!!!🐔

177 362

thanks to the person who hit up my ko-fi!!!

104 200

A comic dedicated to D, who really knew how to use Mercy's staff. B)

92 263

Small (very very small) preview of a piece I'm doing for a zine! Check them out on Tumblr @ pharmercyzine

44 122

너무 날린거같아서 조금 손봣고 이상한것두 추가댐 해시도 잇길래 함 써봄~ 파라메르..라고 우긴다!

20 41

P "Oh My God 我已經愛上她"
M "真實的表達 像喝了奇怪藥水中了魔法"

15 47

new head portrait for myself👀

105 276