HEYO U BEAUTIFUL BASTARDS! Friends and I are doing a challenge where we draw ourselves as Pokémon trainers. And decided to draw with Smeargle!

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Custom Pokemon Trainer design for my good friend

! Absolutely love this boy. Good simple boy.

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me and pokemontrainerwaluigi​ on tumblr had a convo and in conclusion, this is how a phone dies

tbh, the relationship between pg and jeremy is that one cannot stand to be teased by the other and it becomes a neverending cycle of mutual obliteration

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Ex team rocket member turned husband to now divorcee becoming a pokemon researcher about dragon types. He travels with his loyal raichu and ninetails😌

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My friends, my twin sis and I with our best buddies together😎

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Ooh yuh, draw ya Pokémon oc, I guess 😳 drew Roria in team galactic grunt outfits

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