gonna be sharing drawings I did the past few months that I haven't posted here before the shitty year ends, I apologize in advance if some drawings are reposts

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This was another request. and maybe my last drawing of 2020 if i don't think of something later lol.

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Well, I needed to remaster Lloyd's information. I hope you like it.

image created by

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Hey, this could work like my pf pic for decem... *checks the date* oh well, next wear will be.

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Buenas a todos aquí les traigo 2 dibujos uno de Lacy con Lynn y el otro de Lyra y Luna la primera vez que hago un dibujo con los SinKids

3 21

Some people I know are doing this little competition where you gotta draw Glyle (Lyle and Gloom) as another fictional couple. And I think I hit the nail on the head with Starfire and Nightwing.

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Been a minute since I drew Edie, the daughter of Simon. Sam's Niece and Lina's Cousin. I just didn't have many ideas for her until someone pointed out she has big Rouge the Bat energy, minus the Bat.

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Short people will get it.

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