ansioso para mais uma lenda de Zelda 💙#SkywardSwordHD

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438 1560

Soar through an overview of the story, characters, world, and gameplay of the earliest title in the Legend of Zelda timeline, The Legend of

6 88

Soar through an overview of the story, characters, world, and gameplay of the earliest title in the Legend of Zelda timeline, The Legend of

1227 7588

Here is the last charm design I did!
Skyward sword inspired with the cute little kikwi
Hopefully the next time I post about charms I’ll have actual product of them~

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can’t wait to play skyward sword again 🥺☁️

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Welp, time to watch hour-long analysis videos based on a 1 minute trailer for the next week and a half. ✍️✍️✍️

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I am on a personal mission to draw every possible link, here’s skyward sword

30 83

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Island In The Sky

4 22