Hiya! I'm Beowolf and I'm a digital artist and 3d modeler trying to make this stuff into a career!

Also, can I just say that I really appreciate threads like these?

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Thank you for making this post <3

I'm a furry illustrator working on becoming a fulltime freelance artist!

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Canadian comic artist who tries to get out a weekly page, usually about family. Also do pretty girls and sillies. I like to think my timeline is a nice place to chill.

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thank you for this 💛
i love drawing fanarts and mostly guys ><

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Hello there, here are some of my drawings 😊

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Recent member here :) definitely have been loving all the art I’ve been seeing here on Twitter! Cheers guys :)

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I'm just an artist trying my best to make it out there in the world. I mostly post art of Pokemon anthros and gijinkas, but I do other art sometimes as well! I put my best pieces here, really trying to get used to doing scenes like this~

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Smol Bird Enthusiast that has a TON of ideas here!

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Hello!👋 I draw colorful and weird illustrations✨

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I'm also on IG/FB/Twitch under the same name. I just got off a 2 months hiatus from technical difficulties, but I'm back on the grind with commission's open

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Thanks for this! My name is Moth and here goes some recent stuff!

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I'm Con and I draw a lot of cats and other animals if I find the inspiration hh 💖

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