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A traitor to the cultists of Thalamus, Vain decided to join the fight against his former master. He joins you, but he believes he is the one leading the charge.
One of the party members of Thalamus Tempest. Character made by @Doctor_Venuz for the game!
Has to be the fight against Fate and Vain, man literally has one hand
I’m still just thinking of ideas, it’s just that I need to string these ideas together into a coherent story arc
Right after the Prison Escape Arc I’m loyally just a titles guy
Exodus https://t.co/KW6sFNe732
Here's a close up, as well as a comparison to when she was a bit younger. She was a little more vain back then and a lot more willing to fight, but in the "present day" has moved abroad and settled into a quiet life, teaching what she knows.
#FaustianFriday Poseidon, angered by Cassiopeia’s vain assertion that she is more beautiful than the Nereids, instals a sea dragon to raze Ethiopia as divine retribution. Andromeda chained to a rock as a sacrifice to assuage the monster, is saved by the hero Perseus.
The final product is a chocolate with 70% bitterness. The taste is very pure. Raby's hard work is not in vain. She is very satisfied with this new workpiece.
Looking at Raby's happy appearance, I can't wait to try her new works!
@aetherflows Considering how vain Rixas is she was really sensitive about how others saw her after she lost her arm. Naturally it took awhile for her to accept it but also helps when you get a pretty cool prosthetic! Now she just uses her situation to troll others in unique ways sadly!
I finally had the heart read Portia's Upright ending! I was afraid it would be either too tragic or too... empty, rendering all the drama meaningless, all sacrifices and reader's emotions in vain.
Ludens the Kingslayer
My DnD character whom I love so so much. Is that vain? Probably.
A Fallen aasimar of the trickster domain, cleric. They are a hopeless flirt with a huge disconnect to how the world actually works. Big time daddy issues. Give them the rock plz
My love 🥺💖
Forêts paisibles, forêts paisibles
Jamais un vain désir ne trouble ici nos cœurs.
S’ils sont sensibles, s’ils sont sensibles
Fortune, ce n’est pas au prix de tes faveurs.
@Dystocracycrew @MikaNytVituttaa @keronen @OulaLintula @KokkonenIlkka @nevantausta @korppi_kotka @LemstromAnna @ISYYH Mieti nyt: vain sosialismin avulla kaikki voivat kokea, millaista on olla Roope Ankka! Eriarvoistavassa kapitalismissa se on vain ahneiden liikemiesten yksinoikeus!
@PalitaniaArt Hello! Thank you for the opportunity :3
This is my gal Gaia
Shes a newman(space elf) dragon hybrid. Playful and teasing sometimes and sometimes vain, overconfident and narcissistic. ❤
Is it vain on my part that, back when I was playing DFFOO* , I didn't want to use this character because I disliked their face?
Am I vain