画質 高画質

im going to the bfdi/ii meet up this is my planned outfit for it

2 13

More BFB/BFDI human designs

103 359

iTs a piEce of cAke to baKe a preTty cAke
iF the wAy is hAzy

(for a dtiys on instagram :0 i dont know if the dtiys person has twitter sadly)

7 39

strawberries :D i love drawing clouds i gotta draw skies again and just puT CLOUDS EVERYWHERE

12 41

the venti post that got reposted from instagram™️

alSO FEATURING UHH adepTus venTi design by hi im nervous pinging you i think youre super cool :0000

0 7

(repost from instagram hehe)


im too lazy to tag every single character here

0 6

(repost from instagram)

kapi and gelatin doing the dancey dancey

1 16

(repost from instagram)


0 5

(repost from insta wow this is old)

iT juSt woRkS iT juSt woRks liTTlE liEs stArring shOws peOple buY mOney flOws

1 9

(repost from insta :> 💜)

i loVe them so muCh but i drew this like 2 years ago i might redraw it

17 89

flower bc she's so fun to drawww (free to use as pfp)

3 29

The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life

362 1423

watchig bfdi i like these two

0 2

sorry its been a hot minute!! ive been on instagram more but heres an art dump :D

28 133

i felt like i had to make this

25 103