when someone tells me how many calories is in something i'm about to eat

48 70

Three more pies - calorie free! my celebration of but on a diet week

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When someone tells me how many calories something has

446 625

If only drawing people exercising burned calories maybe I'd look like the gorge ! 😉 http://t.co/jupIdPI0xO

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Calorie free, even if not totally filling but I'll stop there I'm on a diet

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How to get the laundry dry quickly at this time of the year AND burn off that excess calories at the same time:

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Topic of the week for artists: Banner by Charlotte Knox

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New studies show has cut Shall we celebrate or critique? http://t.co/izYe6YIHh4

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when people tell me how many calories something has

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What 200 calories looks like http://t.co/uIErkJyACS

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Track workouts--runs, rides, walks & more. Map routes. Burn calories. http://t.co/FWStVYRB

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