Studio artist creates highly colourful, intricately decorative works. "I’m inspired by colour everywhere and take photos of unusual colour combinations. My main influence is India."

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“Your men did what they were sworn to do, Robb. They died protecting their liege lord. Grieve for them. Honor them for their valor.”

-Catelyn Stark

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Baptism By Blood, the latest in my sacrilegious sacraments series, is now available!

Grab a digital copy and enjoy intricately detailed hands, all-too-real religious and ham-fisted symbolism the way God never intended:

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Dis Twitter, tu ferais un miracle pour permettre à un carnet égaré de retrouver son illustratrice ?
Catel a perdu hier dans le train Paris/Le Havre son Moleskine noir 9x14, rempli de notes et dessins, certains dédicacés à son nom.
DM si tu as des infos, je lui transmettrai ♥️

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Anni Betts vibrant Folio features delicately patterned book illustration on the Goldilocks tale 🐻 Visit hers and other AOI Folios: 💫

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Sometimes I momentarily feel out of body. I tried to explain this experience more intricately over on my portfolio:

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Lifting rocks & drawing ever so delicately, I’m an enigma wrapped around a question.

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Aleksandr (Cv: Hirano Ryou)
-Flintlock rifle owned by Aleksandr I, 10th emperor of Russia
-Decorated delicately by gold and silver
-Mutually on guard with Napoleon and his group
-Polite and refined but tends to be at the mercy of Ekaterina
-Honored to be of help to master

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『mograg10周年記念展 “てん”』3/30.fri-4/8.sun【前期アーティスト紹介】Loïc Locatelli Kournwsky1987年フランス東部生まれ。人生のすべてを絵を描くことに捧げる画家。90年代のシューゲイザーバンドの悲しげな音色に影響を受け、メランコリックで魔術的な世界観をテーマに作品を制作する。

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How does life begin? Read and learn in our new embryology article, the cascade of events that must be intricately coordinated in order to produce a healthy baby at the end of the thirty-eight to forty week period.

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Nothing feels more springlike than a delicately flavoured, pastel coloured macaron :D

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[#illustration] ‘The simpsons’ by Loïc Locatelli.

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5★"While the subject matter is not light, it is beautifully & delicately handled"
❤#Sexy Regency

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No, don’t, don’t cut my hair,
Ned loves my hair.

-Catelyn Stark

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Inspired by the work of Dali and Leonardo da Vinci, Temper's new artworks feature intricately painted constellations and geometric shapes that allude to the ‘Golden Ratio’ found in art, mathematics and nature:

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Intricately stitched Valentine’s cards like these were all the rage in Victorian Norwich. If you’d like to get up close to some, why not join us this Valentine’s Eve? Tickets £5, booking essential 01603 629127

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Instants: Digital Illustrations by Catello Gragnaniello

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Instants: Digital Illustrations by Catello Gragnaniello

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A cover for a story/comic I'm not planning to do (probably) of Kavaxas meeting Catelynn O3o

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