video games were always so formative in my life! you can kinda see how i draw from these 4 tbh

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I love a lot of games but these are the 4 that have been most influential on who I am. And definitely my art style as well.

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is was so hard to narrow it down to just 4 but yuh... these are the games that Built me

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Games that I immensely enjoyed and have left a impact on my soul like a crater on the moon... What?

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Four games that I have never stopped playing since I started, games that have influenced my art, and are responsible for so many friendships.

I'll be playing these forever (or until server shutdowns and incompatibility happens)

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had choices, but definitely define me. Although not my all time favorite games

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(Kingdom Hearts is the only definite one)

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Instead of the usual ones, I picked ones that caught my eye, most likely because of their visuals or the game design.

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This looked like fun. Def had a hard time choosing but these are the most memorable and impressionable games for me growing up.

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I don't watch a lot of movies but I do a lot of dumb things I learned from these games.

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i dont know what video games are but heres my filthy casual

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Feels dirty not putting Chrono Trigger on here. . .if this was supposed to be more nostalgic, then take out LBW and Terraria and replace with CT and um, I dunno, Mega Man X? This is tough. . .

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Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet had a shocking amount of influence on me, both artistically, musically, and tonally.

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I could list more, but I think these four half to be my top four most influential games! Skyrim, FFX, Pokémon Sapphire/Ruby, and Undertale

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I've never realized it but a lot of the games I love today are heavily influenced by watching my older brother play them when I was younger

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