Nh. Dini kapal sarat kenangan. Membawa cerita dari lorong jalanan, padang ilalang, hingga negeri² jauh Jepun, Kampuchea, bahkan Paris.

Saatnya kini kapal itu berangkat pulang. Dua dunia kau layari sudah. Selalulah jadi kuncup berseri pencakar langit. Tirai menurun.

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Kenan is a graveyard demon, who's job is it to keep peace.
He takes his job very serious, without him restless souls would possess bodies and create chaos.
Milo ©

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Horn Contest.
Kenan gets my vote uwu

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I really wanted to draw me and 's children, Kenan and Nuno 💙 I know it's a little late for Halloween but.. oh well.

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Selamat jalan, Syachrul Anto. Pengorbananmu tak akan sia-sia. Dedikasimu dalam penyelamatan korban Lion Air JT 610 akan selalu kita kenang. Semoga engkau mendapat tempat terbaik di sisi-Nya.

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They’re sleek and stylish and can do it all! You’d be surprised at how cool Japanese toilets are!

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Meet my OC, next: Mayara Kenani, or Maya. She's a tiefling blood hunter of Lycan order who was taken and forced into the order to be made an example of by a spite. She's got a half-sister tiefling, born of the same mother but different fathers.

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New Twitter Banner, huzzah! Featuring my three D&D children. From right to left: Val Arroway (Valyra Amastacia), Mayara Kenani and Ryltar Derahel. More art to come of them B) ~

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Origami stress? Karl needs to chill. Subscribe and get comic strips emailed to you FREE at https://t.co/l2of09gXLu

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Make sure you choose the right bowl! There’s a life lesson in there somewhere. https://t.co/l2of09yza4#comics birdsong

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Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V memperkenankan pelantikan Tommy Thomas sebagai Negara

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18 Ramadan - KENANGAN

Teringat zaman kamu sangat nakal, nakal nakal nakal? manusia biasa awam memang tak lari dari lakukan dosa, so taubat la tiap kali terkenang.. 😢

Rasulullah SAW yang maksum tu pun sehari bertaubat 70 kali, kita ni.. (ref. HR Bukhari)

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