The After Effects practice continues. This time with certain Elegators! Took an old commission from and gave it a bit of movement.


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"There's a lot you don't know about elegators! For instance, did you know our eyes can do thiiiiiis?"

surprised me this morning with this animation of a Pachy pic by ! It was a lovely surprise to wake up to and for some reason I can't stop staring...

28 116

Ho disegnato qualcosa non legato alle zine finalmente

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Oh, like, also, look at these amazing pieces of Cypher that did!!! Gah, I can't wait to get Legato and Law designed so I can get more of her amazing art!!!

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Per tua volontà ti perdi.
Per tua volontà ti trovi.
Per tua volontà sei libero, prigioniero e legato.

Angelus Silesius

🎨 Alberto Sughi

3 5

knives and legato but as cats.

6 11

Ahí va mi alegato sin concesiones a la risa incontinente. Se agradece que lo leáis, dejéis vuestra impresión y compartáis el enlace. No dejéis de reír, por favor.

2 8

Fanart of my new favorite breakfast cereal-related villain, SPRINKLEGATOR!
You can read all about him in this thread!

38 141

It's TF Tuesday! Be careful, thoughts of whimsey, pinkness, or elephants may allow errant elegator energies to enter! If you hear a bubbly voice in your head do your best to block it out, or you may turn into Pachy for the rest of the week.

Art by

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Beware an applegator - a deadly creature that'll eat all the golden delicious and galas he can find!

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春が似合うバッグ新しくしてみよう!☆Legato Largo ショルダー バッグ PUレザー レディース・ボディバッグ☆: ハッピーアカウント

0 0

Tre mie nuove illustrazioni dedicate a Zidane, da ieri in edicola sullo speciale in allegato al numero 1 di Sport Tribune. Supervisione di

1 4

Stato dell’Io: schema uniforme di sensazione e di esperienza direttamente collegato a un corrispondente schema uniforme di comportamento.

39 56

Doodle I made about my conversations with Alegator in a single picture :V

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