Juan Gimenez 1943-2020. Décès du Maitre argentin, dessinateur entre autre de

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Adiós a un Gigante de la historieta, el último Metabarón.


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Artist Juan Giménez has died due to complications from the COVID-19 virus. He was 76.

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COVID-19 HAS claimed one of the finest comics artists of all time. A true great whose imagination played a big role in influencing how modern looks today, especially with the mind-blowing Metabarons. Juan Gimenez R.I.P...

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Se nos ha ido un gran historietista hoy.

Juan Gimenez era un gran dibujante que nos regaló excelentes historias, sobre todo de ciencia ficción, y algunas portadas de juegos de los 8 bits, algunas de las cuales tuvieron conversión para MS-DOS.

D.E.P. maestro.

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RIP to one of the all time greatest sci-fi comic book artists, Juan Gimenez.
He passed away due to covid-19 complications. So for the love of god, guys, stay indoors!

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Rest in peace, Maestro... 😢

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Rest in Peace Jean Gimenez. A towering artistic talent amongst comic artists.

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your art makes you eternal, rest in peace master 😢😢❤️

213 1212

Sad new from , who've announced that one of their greatest artists, has passed away due to coronavirus. I still remember being knocked out by his 'A Matter Of Time' way back in the August 1983 issue. RIP Juan, a truly wonderful artist.

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Addio Juan Giménez, brillante fumettista e artista argentino, autore, insieme ad Alejandro Jodorowsky, della saga dei Meta-Baroni, anche lui vittima del Covid-19

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I was sorry to hear that Juan Gimenez, one of the great artists of the comics medium died today. Let's remember his high craftsmanship and his groundbreaking work that made The Metabarons, The Fourth Power, Leo Roa, such beautiful works of art.

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Rest in peace Juan Gimenez, a master of his craft. Trully shocked he's gone.

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We learned this evening that Argentine illustrator Juan Gimenez, a frequent Heavy Metal contributor, has died, an apparent victim of the COVID-19 virus. Rest in peace, Maestro.

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Ah man.

Reports indicate that Juan Gimenez has passed away.

The Harry Canyon series in Heavy Metal and his work with Jodorowsky was epic.

RIP Good Sir.

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Juan Gimenez, légende de l’illustration de Science-Fiction et auteur, entre beaucoup d’autres, des Méta-Barons aux côtés de Jodorowsky, est décédé à 76 ans des suites du coronavirus.

Repose en paix génie, et merci. 🙏

499 773

Just heard about the passing of Juan Gimenez. RIP master.

792 4239