オンスロート XsLaught氏 MVC(無印)のラスボス。アポカリプスの流れを組む巨大ボスだが強さはアポカリプスとは雲泥の差。第一形態は怯みはするものの強敵、うどんは日清派の第二形態は特殊判定とアーマーを盾に無法者な暴れっぷりを見せ、並のキャラでは歯が立たない

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🇺🇸 Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Guile Versus Screen illustration by Bengus. Happy Election Day... Get out and VOTE!

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Dr.ドゥーム kong氏 悪魔博士。やっぱりアレンジが加えられていて、アシストとして優秀なあの岩を纏う岩ボロスが使える。削りによし、攻めてよし、守ってよしの至れり尽くせり。君麻呂氏のAIがMVCらしい怒涛の立ち回りと自重しない岩ボロスですさまじい強さを誇る

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Roll.EXE from MMBN in MVC1's Roll's pose

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結局、ソーは98年の『MARVEL vs CAPCOM』でアシスト専用キャラクターとしてのみ登場した。この時はユーザーに認識されやすいよう伝統的なコスチュームを着ている。


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i'm still glad they brought back his classic MvC look in the comics in Ghost Rider vol 9 5 after all that redesigns..

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Basically all I'm saying is that everyone starts SOMEWHERE and they end up finding their groove. Its taken me a long time tbh to get to where I am but time and effort honestly pay off (my first darkstalkers fanart < My last Darkstalkers fanart even though its MvC2)

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I wanna see Sonic in the MVC2 style so bad.

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BONUS: Julia Chang & ... Amingo from mvc2?!? - Fighters from the North American deserts with a common 'green' goal
(+1 not-darkstalker)

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Monster Girl a Day - Stormy Cassie

My cosplaying as for ! I cheated though... It's the version of her outfit. Oh well!

Enjoy the cutie


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Anyone remembers that really awesome collaboration artwork Devil May Cry 5 had? The pieces were done by known Capcom artists such as Chisato Mito, Bengus and Daigo Ikeno (SF) and Toshiaki Mori (MVC/CVS) you could get these as alternate covers in Ultra Limited editions

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Jill is the first character who appears in a Capcom cross over game from RE saga.
It was in on 2000.
She's voiced by Catherine Disher,her same voice actress from

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Just like he did in Sonic the Fighters, he fights in a mech. He would fight like Tron Bonne from MvC series.

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Blazy Blaze sketches, based on her early concept. Most of these were made all while doin em MVC commissions

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RT, support

artnigga youngblackartist flatcolor sketch mspaint microsoftpaint blazethecat sonicrush sega sonicteam SonicTheHedgehog deviantart newgrounds instagram

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Good team or best team?

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Me and my mains

MvC art by

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Should I finish this MvC2 Jill someday or ditch it?

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