OVERKILL Frontman: 'We're Not Just Getting Lucky. We're Working Harder At What We Do Well' https://t.co/v5gesJVDeu

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I know very little of pokémon. But still! And 6 seems overkill, just pick one if you want.

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shaded this and redid the eyes, which i may have gone overkill with >~>
noodle belongs to

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OVERKILL Frontman Isn't Surprised By Thrash Metal's Continued Relevance https://t.co/roV9iR68yG

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『RENAISSANCE OVERKILL(ルネッサンス オーバーキル)』本日サイコミにて第19話「タイムリミット」無料配信開始いたしました!先読みでは第21話「不死の力のお勉強」まで公開中!

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Made quite a few different versions of this one! Seeing as how 's favorite emotions are probably dry sarcasm and cynicism, it was hard to choose just one phrase. But this might be overkill 😋

24 April 2019

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Acabo de pasarme 4 canciones en EXPERT+ de Beat Saber que nunca era capaz ni de hacer 20s.

He aguantado 1 minuto en Overkill con 1 intento.
He aguantado 2min20s en una canción Expert++ con 1 intento.

¿Qué es esto que estoy sintiendo? ¿Es esto lo que siente un Super Saiyan LVL3?

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Another challenge, yep. Worked on this one for a month because I'm still struggling with my laziness. I initially planned this to be a simple sketch, but ended up with a complete overkill... but it's okay, since I actually really enjoyed working on it.

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Call it overkill, or ✌️✊"attention to detail"✊✌️
At some point, I'm gonna have to make dental records for my characters. So I can consistently draw their chompers.

💀plus I love drawing skeletons😱

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『RENAISSANCE OVERKILL(ルネッサンス オーバーキル)』本日サイコミにて第16話「ブルース兄弟劇場」無料配信開始いたしました!先読みでは第18話「試験と餞別」まで公開中!

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Overkill, my superhero OC, in gym clothes

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Chaplain Cassius’
3 years in the making.
My 1st yet the last to be painted.
Hope you like them as much as I do.

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BOBBY 'BLITZ' ELLSWORTH Says It's 'Flattering' When OVERKILL Is Compared To MOTÖRHEAD https://t.co/SIuqlXRopP

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0319 梅田ZEELA

0331 アメ村DROP &BEYOND


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今日はDream Theaterを聴く…と思わせてからのOverkill!


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次回はもっと大きな絵を描きます。しかし、私はあなたのこの絵が大好きです! Sorry google translate overkill :D

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