I’m Waifu Senpai, I’m a bisexual Magical being known as a Digital Witch/Ghost

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pai, o flerte saiu pela culatra 💭

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Hi I’m Waifu Senpai,Digital Witch/Ghost currently possessed by a lewd glitchy spirt named Waifi.
Fun Fact: I am albino and a visually impaired artist/ gamer (I also question how I do the things I do.)

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"Sigo intocável e blindada pelo pai, inveja bate e volta e o inimigo cai. Eu ando devagar porque já tive muita pressa e a minha tranquilidade é o terror desses comédia $2🎡🎭!!!!!!!" - A Mirai Nike

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Zhongli senpai, Diluc Chan, and their simps🤣

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Senpai, Why you rejected me ? 🥺

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I drew senpai, he helped me out with this new world of Vstreaming, he is very berry nice 🙂


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Olhem o glow up do pai,carnudo e gostoso 🥵🥵

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"Pai, fala mais sobre o Criador"

Fiquei assim:

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Ollie: Mel-senpai, you're so cute... I can't take it anymore!
Mel: Darlin... Is not even night yet

In that moment, the Enderman awaken a new emotion for the first time in his life

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This is Ken'pai, a lizardman Mechanist from a world some friends and I created a while back. Also proficient with a rifle and a spear for melee, works machinery to overthrow the stranglehold his world's Mages Guild has on magic by creating alternatives.

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Take Care ,Have fun ☺💕

Senpai, that smile of yours looks wonderful 💕💕

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Chính thức lọt hố Oshima Yuko Senpai, không cần nói nhiều 😃

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It's time to welcome to

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Es verdad, El Viejo Tao Pai Pai, era un sujeto bastante, odioso Peró poderoso. Me pregunto que habra sucedido con el. 🤔 Bueno no conosco en Si, la velocidad de mi Puño. Bruce lee su puño era similar al de Hitt en una fracción de segundo daba un golpe certero. 70 KM/H eso creo.

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"Ecchi till I die these imoutos call me senpai,"

this me practicing layer modes shading/lighting practice lolz

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Todor! Depois de ter uma briga gigantesca com o seu pai, ele decidiu fugir junto com Michael, sem nenhum objetivo em mente, somente ajudando seu amor na aventura e catalogando flores e insetos.

O grandão mais fofo ever, e queridinho da criadora❤

❤+🔁= Uma artista motivada!

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call Haachama-senpai, she'd make a good sautee outta that roach

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