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32 130

can't wait for resident evil 2 remake 🌟

5 18

Babyface Kennedy, one day you'll have backflipping knife contests in Spain, whilst suplexing priests but for now, you're a rookie cop. Working on this has been my warmup while I do art, so it's a lot messier than usual but idc.

10 22


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I’m super hype for Resident Evil 2, although I’m not so sure about Claire’s redesign... well whatever, I made a sketch attempt that looks more like Ada. Whoops.

1 7

So excited about the announcement from / , I had to post my favorite Claire and Leon fan art from over the years. What a nice surprise!

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45 101

HAPPY 20th anniversary to !! waiting for announcement...

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Resident Evil 2 Remake–Message from Producer “H”

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