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Summer hours begin soon! SPARC will be closed Fridays starting 6/1 thru 8/10, but will still be open for researchers 4 days per week throughout this time! Visit our website to find out how to make an appointment with us. https://t.co/cukG0rR04N
@OxZooDept @unil @UniofOxford @cambriancritter @PNASNews More on that new @PNASNews
paper from our researchers @MailOnline
Reconstruction image: Natalia Patkiewicz
Birds are descended from dinosaurs, so it would make sense for rubber duckies to be descended from those hollow mouth-agape cheap toy dinosaurs. Will the missing link ever be found? Toy researchers have some ideas
"Seek No Further," these are the apples you're looking for. 🍎We're digitizing rare & fragile items on pomology from @Mann_Library, providing access for today's researchers & hobbyists, as well as for generations to come. #PreservationWeek
How can our tummy keep a highly acidic environment for digestion and not harm itself? Researchers wondered that too. Here is what they found: https://t.co/DNe8ARhLP9 @NagoyaUniv #stomach #gastric #physiology🍴☘️
Romanticism of scientific researchers by kurosb || SOURCE: https://t.co/3enGSI9tcn ||
Ambush - First part in a sequence of commission for usernames Kimono-Box-Fox and Ghrom. A group of researchers are caught off guard by the amalgamate as they are collecting samples of the local water table.
Insider tip for those academics and researchers. Art can help make your dark lab more comfortable. #art #AcademicTwitter #scicomm #research @am_anatiala @brandonsemel @RYRJB #SciArt #actuallivingscientist
Brazilian mathematicians & researchers claim that North Korea is the only nation with a chance of surviving the inevitable #zombie apocalypse - via @ricoqmedia : https://t.co/JkzUMGUZSA
Just had a brief look at the @FITfashionstory. Absolutely fantastic. What a brilliant resource for all students/researchers/academics. Has great opportunities for contributors later in the year - the essays, analyses of paintings and garments, are very informative. Well done!
The Lord Lyon as Patron attended on the 2nd February the AGM of the Association of Scottish Genealogists and Researchers in Archives. It was a historic occasion as the Association presented to its outgoing chair, Janet Bishop, the first Fellowship of the Association.
Only one Austrogoniodes louse species lives on a bird other than a penguin - A.metoecus on the musk duck. Researchers thought this to be related to the blue penguin louse (A.waterstoni) due to close geographical distribution in Southern Australia. #PenguinAwarenessDay
Southampton researchers are leading a major international collaboration to better understand shark feeding habits - ultimately aiding the conservation of the world's most misunderstood fish
@clivetrue @SharkDevocean
Happy Christmas to all stem cell researchers, collaborators and friends across the globe #stemcells #Christmas #TogetherScienceCan (Dan Piraro on point with this festive design!)
Researchers say that ancient penguins may have been as tall as humans and weighed more than 100 kilograms - https://t.co/ZXhhPzQWWD
Grinding grain for hours a day gave prehistoric women stronger arms than todays elite female rowers,suggests a study by Univ. of Cambridge researchers. They were a crucial driver of early farming economies. 3D model of an upper arm bone from a women farmer https://t.co/OhOMQhhnpF
Researchers discover poorly understood bacterial lineages in the mouths of dolphins https://t.co/wZLc6GNKrI rt @physorg_com
A likely source of the largest and oldest #blackholes recorded in the universe has been identified by an international team of researchers. Image: Peter Jurik/123rf https://t.co/IZfzKCdTBu
In this exclusive film for @GeographicalMag, video journalist @katieggarrett documents the researchers from @opwall who dove in to investigate this extraordinary reef https://t.co/nzhquEUKsW