“Proud of this one - working with Neil Lamont and Neil Ellis, who is the king of Falcon knowledge.” - concept artist Vincent Jenkins


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“Another sketch of mine for an Imperial vehicle for featured in The Art of - concept artist Vincent Jenkins

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“Another take on the same basic concept for Cloud Rider swoopbikes in This time less angular and more WW2 fighter aircraft. The sliding canopy allows for a biker feel when open and space flight when shut.” - Jake Lunt Davies

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Page 18/24 ‘ "Golden eggs from a golden hen!" cried Jack’s mother. "Now we’ll never be poor again!" ’ [Text (c) WriteNow]

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Page 17/24 ‘The hen started laying, but soon . . . the giant was snoozing. Jack snatched the hen and raced down the beanstalk.’ [Text (c) WriteNow]

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“For a long time gangster Dryden Vos was going to be an alien. These sketches are for an idea I had that he could be a Lasat like Zeb from Rebels.” - creature designer Jake Lunt Davies


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“Fighting Droid sketches for And their versions!” creature designer Jake Lunt Davies

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Progress on the piece! Didn't get too far today sadly. More to work on tomorrow!

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“My concept for the crane walker which made it into the film very briefly.” - concept artist Vincent Jenkins


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“An unmasked Auromae Iselo, one of Enfys Nest’s Cloud-Riders from His design was based on a sketch my then 7-year-old daughter had given me and his name is a loose anagram of hers.” - creature designer Jake Lunt Davies

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“One of my early concepts for “SOLO” and one of my favourites.” - concept artist Vincent Jenkins

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Off to a camping party with this lovely lot to celebrate a special birthday...

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Armor-plated and hard-angled World War II-era German army trains (Panzerzug) and the British Mark I and V tanks were an early influence on the design of the Imperial conveyex train, as seen on p. 228-229 of The Art of

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