Gustave Moreau
Oedipe voyageur ou L’egalite devant la mort

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Rodin’s Hands
“Rodin is the sculptor of hands—furious, clenched, rearing, damned hands”
(French critic and poet Gustave Kahn)

Detail The Burghers of Calais, Clenched hand, The Cathedral

via A la belle E-toile

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The poetry of earth is ceasing never

— On the Grasshopper and Cricket (John Keats)

🎨 Landscape in Scotland (Gustave Doré, c. 1878)

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Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings ...
~ Gustave Flaubert

Love Among the Ruins ~ Edward Burne-Jones

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15. More like a one single inspiration for A LOT of stuffs. "L'énigme" by Gustave Doré. I'm heavly inspired by his entire work, especially his gravure. But his paintings are also heart crushing. Especially this one, i have a lot of memories attached to it.

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📅El dijous 17 de febrer, a les 19h30, a la Casa de la Cultura tindrà lloc la taula redona "15 anys de l'Aixopluc" a càrrec dels membres que estaven al capdavant del CJX en els anys 2003 - 2007 i de l'autor de l'Aixopluc.

8 13

thinking about azem hair to stave off the depression

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Male and Female Deer in the Woods, 1864

8 45

Der Franzose Gustave Doré ist der Nachwelt vor allem durch seine in harten schwarz-weißen Kontrasten gefertigten Buchillustrationen in Erinnerung. Aber auch seine Gemälde beeindrucken. 1875 schuf er "Schottische Highlands". Man kann Feuchtigkeit und Gras fast riechen.

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Paradise Lost: La chute des anges rebelles,
(Fall of the rebel angels,)

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axuxan stave lizard

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Le Maître chat by Gustave Doré

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Paradise Lost, 1873, by Gustave Doré

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Matthias Grünewald played not only with my pareidolia. So probably I am not the first one who discovered the monstrous "face". I think that Gustave Doré saw it too.

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A Midsummer Night's Dream by Gustave doré (circa 1870). 🖤

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I was searching for something Bruegelesque, but didn't find anything yet. In that illu, so far, I found references ( to C.L. Dodgson, Gustave Doré, Marcus Gheeraerts I+II, Matthias Grünewald, John Martin, J.E. Millais.

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