画質 高画質

Join us tonight 11/13 at 5pm, for our Fall 2019 Colloquium by Shane McAdams to see mundane materials stretched to their limits reflecting the physical forces that sculpt the natural landscape. https://t.co/JtJxUioYag

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me pediram um desenho do lula saindo na porrada com bolsonaro

como diria ken watanabe em godzilla:

"let them fight."

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Loogie (Spitter+Wildmutt+Toepik)
Ectormentor (Zs’skayr+Victor+P’andor)
SonarShoutmon (Shoutmon+Namielle)
Gargonian (Noivern+Golurk)

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“POOF!” Suddenly a figure appeared in a cloud of pink smoke on the path to Grandma’s house. Was it a magician? Little Red rubbed her eyes, was she awake or was it a dream?

Folktale Week Day 4 Prompt: SMOKE

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Nouveau tweet de présentation :3

Bonjour à tous, Milo est un jeune tigre qui déteste qu'on l'appel chaton
Il ronronne quand on le caresse et il est très joueur
Évitez de le chercher il pourra vous mordre
Rp OK rpp refusé

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Seu Jair ficou muito puto!!!

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Hoy es un buen día como otro cualquiera para recordar a Mary Maloney, la sufragista irlandesa que se tiró una semana siguiendo a Winston Churrchill con una campana bastante grande, que hacía sonar cada vez que él intentaba hablar.

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El hijo de bolsonaro// el hijo de alberto fernandez

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