画質 高画質


WIP LowPoly

Weiter gehts in kleinen Tippelschritten, aber die Arbeit ruft und ich muss leider für heute abbrechen.

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Tadeusz Makowski (1882-1932), Chłopcy z fujarkami, 1928

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WIP LowPoly

Das Ergebnis heute stimmt mich schon etwas positiver, habe das Programm gewechselt. Trotzdem eine Heidenarbeit.

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Each Thursday we will be highlighting one of the many pieces in the Colchester Art Society Permanent Collection.

Rowland Suddaby (1912-1972)

Road to Church Farm, Stansfield, 1961, Watercolour/pen and ink on paper, 15 ¼ x 21 ½ in, Signed and dated

[CAS 3] Acquired in 1961

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NEXT in our SERIES of TALKS Savage's The Harp was commissioned by the New York Worlds Fair 1939 to symbolise the contribution to Music of African American Spirituals HEAR Dr Jefreen Hayes TALK 'Augusta Savage 1892-1962' https://t.co/FQ12lq78od 25 May

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【Minecraft】ぽんず、3年ぶりにスカイブロックに帰還。SkyBlock_season2-1 https://t.co/0mRVAwFx62 より

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solidifying his younger design (12-15)

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WIP LowPoly

Ich weiß noch nicht ob es funktioniert, aber ich wollte das mal testen. Ist jedenfalls mehr Arbeit als gedacht.

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🔴上海CP28 DV街🔵
【Dante/Vergil Only at Shanghai Comicup28】


Date 開催日 🔴2021.6.12-13
Venue開催会場🔵NECC Shanghai

🔴DV街區特邀畫師 ILLUST🔵

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"The Four Big Trolls and Little Peter Pastureman" (Sagan om de fyra stortrollen och lille Vill-Vallareman) by Cyrus Granér "He blew upon a birchbark horn". – Illustrated by John Bauer (1882-1918), signed 1909.

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Post-Brexit trade deal with Australia allowing zero-tariff imports of lamb.
John Swinney “A huge threat to Scottish agriculture... devastate the hill farming communities... no self-respecting UK Government could sign this”

Phoebe Anna Traquair (1852-1936) 'Boy and sheep'.

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I stand corrected... I have had 18 secondary sales on but I'm just an idiot. Highest secondary sale is 30 xtz for Sorrow Lilly. 3 portals have sold on secondary ranging from 9 xtz - 20 xtz. Several free OBJKTS have sold from 0.2-1 xtz.

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