画質 高画質


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StardewValley というゲームにいるセバスチャンくんなんですが引きこもりのくせにタバコ吸ってバイク乗り回すなんともギャップ萌えな子なんです。最高かよ😩

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My persona is absolutely a cutie so I hope this counts.

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Drew my avatar! First time trying this shading style and I really like it.

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A Stardew Valley fan art, part two ; the nature-loving artist, Leah

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Je suis trèèèèèèès très très accros à ce jeu et oui j'ai choisi un mec comme OC, ne me demandez pas pourquoi, ça m'inspirais plus. Un relation chart va venir (même si tout le monde s'en fou, moi j'adore ça)

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Starting the year off strong with a speedpaint of my favorite pretentious writer that lives on a beach by himself. Ugh. So excited for multiplayer!

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i been playing n heres me im gay for harvey, im also shanes uber when he's drunk

3 9

🎄Happy Holidays🎄

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