I think the Mafia would be alright with that 😎🫡

2 10

Okay, I am officially addicted to buying , what can I say? 🤷‍♂️😎

41 109


Cheeeeeezzzzzz 🤩🧀🐀💪📈

0 2

Got my 2nd today, both of them have joints so far, lets see if I can keep it up 😂😎

4 15

Guess who just joined the Mafia? Been looking at these for a few days now and had to pick this one up off the floor!

71 172

Rat appreciation.. don’t know where this projects going but it’s sure fun to be apart of 🐀🧀

34 107

What's your favorite trait?

Mine is the smashed glasses! Where my smashed glasses fam at? 🕶️🐀

28 77

I got my 👀👀👀 I this 🧀🐁 pack !!! doing great

21 71

Had to pick up this really clean everything about it just goes so well 🔥🔥🔥

30 86

When that FOMO feeling kicks in 😜 Is it true that Fat Rat’s follow 🐀? 🔥🔥🐀🚀FatRatMafia

34 105