After months of silence, have a hadrosaur draw dump. Also testin out styles if thats not obvious >3>

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키아누 리브스, 알렉스 윈터 주연 <엑설런트 어드벤쳐 3> 11월 19일 개봉 확정. 30년 만에 돌아온 <엑설런트 어드벤쳐> 시리즈로, 30년 전 과거와 미래를 여행한 빌과 테드가 다시 한 번 시간과 공간을 뛰어넘어 인류를 구하기 위해 펼치는 라스트 미션. 사마라 위빙, 브리짓 런디-페인 출연.

64 40

❄️다음웹툰 백의사자❄️
7화 /유료분 11화가 업로드 되었습니다!

7화 <귀매 3>는 아래 링크로

매주 봐주시는 독자님들 감사합니다☺️💜
댓글도 정말 감사합니다!! 유료분 이미지는
흐린 이미지로 매주 함께 공지할게요~!

5 13

oh hello! I'm TopHatCo_ on here and insta! I like to draw object heads, I've been drawing for 5 years since I was 10! here's my art journey <3

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Simipour is pretty underrated imo >3>

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it's halloween time ! so it's the time of the year when i draw spooky things !

and for this time: have a redraw of a old character i made two-tree year ago , in my fresh 2020 style >3>

(and yes this character is highly inspired by Asriel Dreemurr from undertale )

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Progression of my Freak-Out icons through the years.


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2018 vs 2020 art redraw!!! im actually really proud of my art journy !! also ,i still love south park which is surprising >3> !!!!!!!!!!

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交換 譲渡 進撃の巨人 AMNIBUS アムニバス 缶バッジ
譲 ミカサ7 エルヴィン8 リヴァイ8 特典リヴァイ16

求 画像3> 通常エレン ジャン/定価
エルヴィン ミカサのみ定形外譲渡可


リヴァイ は画像3との交換or複数交換可能な方最優先です


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【 A3! エースリー アニメイト 特典 ポストカード Playback☆MANKAI フェア ローソン 交換 】

譲: ☆三角、☆天馬、幸、九門、太一、莇

求: 過去紬(画像3>その他)
キラキラカード: 丞、ガイ


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<비트윈어스 시즌3> 7화 업로드되었습니다😃

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The fluffiest of nests 🐦
For to chase the icky feels away >3>

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So I made 's lizard girl dream comes true >3>a

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Can i just fangirl for a moment over Azreal! I love this child so freaking much ahhhhhh why is he so cute and why is he genuinely so cool T3T i love him!!!! Shdgrvdjshvdvfjsjbdbfhd!

Ok that is all....>3>

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<비트윈어스 시즌3> 6화 업로드되었습니다!

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