Pagi yang sangat hiba.
Perginya seorang lagi permata ummah. Entah kenapa sebaknya luar biasa.

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه

Salam takziah kepada seluruh ahli keluarga Tuan Guru Dato' Seri Abu Hassan Din al-Hafiz.

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Kiddos! Keep an eye on this post for details of the ABU Cub Hub at BLFC 2019. Members of our friendly team will be on hand to chat, chill and throw a fresh diaper at your cute padded butts! 😘

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The infamous Abu Thur bin Udin Al-Asgardi, one of the commander of Jaysh Al-Jaza (Soldier of Avenger). Notoriously known for notoriously behead rival jihadi group commander, Abu Thanas Al-Titani

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DA to drop challenge in Abu-Jamal case. Maureen Faulkner must feel her husband has been murdered again.

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Masih inget... beli spidol koi di jembatan pim yang warna abu2 gradasi... masih smp... good old times... wwkwkkw...

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BunnyHopps doo doo doo doo… (thank me later) Say hello to the cutest new print in the ABU line up. These perfect PINK lil hoppers will be an awesome addition to your diaper stash whether you’re a total Princess or a Prince who knows that PINK is where the cool kids are at!

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Get carried away at play time? Made a rather LARGE whoopsie?! Littles have a crazy talent for making a mess! Say hello to TidyUps ABWipes! Whether it’s to clean sticky paws or clean off that super cute food covered face we reckon these’ll take whatever you throw at them!

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Our Extra Wide Sticker Selection is Expanding! Introducing 4 new stickers from ABU’s newest team member ! These soft pastel panels are sure to help you feel tiny with some new animal friends to add pizazz to any diaper! Our new Stickers will be available early June!

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Heraklion Gharqad (Abu Qir) Alexandrie 🇪🇬


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Abu is angry that someone stole the lamp. (☞◣д◢)☞

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Lukisan digital karyaku, Potrait dari Mbah Duki, sosok embah-embah di Komik Sketsa Islam Kita. Meskipun secara biologis bukan Mbahnya Abu Wawan dan Cak Tomo, tapi mereka selalu memanggil Mbah Duki dengan sebutan Mbah.

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Abu Ja’la (ma’qil) bin Jasar r.a berkata: Saya telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Tiada seorang yang diamanati oleh Allah memimpin rakyat, kemudian ketika ia mati, ia masih menipu rakyatnya, melainkan pasti Allah mengharamkan baginya syurga.

(Bukhari & Muslim)

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Not always, but probably. If its something like this you mean, it comes from a new kind of diaper from the company ABU.

And no, I am not a babyfur, I just have friends that is :p

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A limited run of Bumooza’s Alphabet Classic Diaper is now available at ABU while supplies last! These diapers are only available in size Medium and only available to ship through our Baltimore warehouse (USA).

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You’ve written a very good piece showcasing exceptional work. You even covered the death sentence for the rape victim, Nousra Hussein, & the outbreak that preceded the protests. “Cry of Home” by Abu’Obayda has brought tears to my own eyes. I feel the suffering in it. Powerful.

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